E3 2020 Cancelled... Is that even a bad thing?
Every year, on a particular weekend in June, I stay up far too late and watch E3. I live for the cringe moments, indie game showcases and plane what I will be spending my hard earned pennies on in the following year. It has been announced today that E3 2020 has been cancelled due to the ever present threat of COVID-19 Coronavirus, a wise move given the sheer volume of people the expo attracts. Whilst I appreciate this is for the safety and well being of all attending, I can't help but be disappointed. In my gut, I feel that we will never see an E3 again. The expo definitely is not what it used to be, and the Entertainment Software Association has suggested that they will be providing an 'online experience' in order to show off future releases. If this happens, and I can't see a reason that it wouldn't, it is my belief that E3 will go the way of Nintendo Direct and have an online only release and discussion about upcoming games. As someone who lives in ...