Hearthstone: Frost Festival

A very pleasant surprise when I logged into Hearthstone today; the Frost Festival which meant a free entry into Arena! I am a fairly new player to Hearthstone (I am already addicted) so I hadn't played Arena up until yesterday very recently and it is so much fun. If you have never played Arena on Hearthstone I would recommend taking the opportunity to do so. Hey, if you have never played Hearthstone at all, get on it, its the perfect time to try all the play modes. Theres a new expansion coming soon too , Knights of the Frozen throne, which I really can't wait for.
I only managed to win 4 games in arena because noob, so I won an Un'goro card pack, some gold and a card pack for the new expansion which can be opened in mid August.
Just by playing 3 games of Arena, you can get a brand new card pack AND you don't have to spend gold, or even real money! Win, win guys. 
You can pre-purchase the Knights of the Frozen Throne card packs now and get yourself a shiny card back; you will then have the joy of opening 50 card packs in August (again, so excite).

Pull up a chair and play some Hearthstone!



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