I see London, I see France Trophy in Crash Bandicoot

Still enjoying a lot of Crash Bandicoot at the minute, so I thought I would post a teeny tiny guide on how to get this trophy. 
When I get a game I like to look at the trophies after a get a fair few, sometimes I even sneak a look at the hidden trophies, which are hidden because spoiler alert or just to be a pain in the ass. I looked at this and the notes are literally 'Die.' and I was like 'wait... whut?'. If there is an award for the vaguest trophy description, this totally gets it.
But today, I got this trophy completely by accident; you have to get electrocuted. THAT'S IT. I may be being completely dense but I totally do not get the reference. Note: it also counts if you have an Aku Aku mask, which I know because I did and still got the trophy.
Get electrocuted and get this trophy, I think Cortex Power is the earliest level you can get it on.

That was me being helpful.


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